I help people communicate and receive messages with their animals so that they can deepen those relationships.
Offering virtual sessions from the comfort of your home.
I’m not taking on new clients at this time, but I have an incredible referral network and would be happy to refer you to someone else.
What is animal communication?
Animal communication is a way of energetically communicating with animals. When we quiet our minds and open ourselves up to being present and receptive, we’re able to send and receive messages to animals.
Understanding an animal’s personality and feelings offers a way to work with them to better understand challenges they’re having, concerns or worries they may have about their guardian (you), and allows you options on how to solve issues together.
Animals can tell us how they’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally. They can explain what’s not working, what is, and how to make something better.
Communicating with your animal can save you frustration, uncertainty, and heartache. Take, for example, a dog who stops eating his food. You might jump to a worst-case scenario. But what if you take the dog to the vet and the vet can’t find anything wrong and yet the dog still won’t eat? Then what? It’s easy for the mind to convince oneself of many things without having proof.
Perhaps you fear that it could be something serious that has yet to show up on labs. Your mind starts to come up with scary scenarios. Was it that new doggy day care? Was someone mean to my dog without my knowledge? Is he going to be ok? When will he be back to normal?”
By communicating with your animal, you get answers that explain his or her behavior so that you can make sense of the problem and understand ways to solve it.
You can also find out what the soul lesson is that your animal is working with you on during this lifetime. This goes to a deeper level and gives insight into the valuable lessons and gifts you’re learning through your relationship with your animal.
This also works with animals in your life who have passed over; they are still working with you!
Meet Serena
Alchemy and her human,
Serena Sterling.
As I tell my human clients with whom I work in a therapeutic relationship, it’s important to find the right fit with an animal communicator. My background, training, and education (MA and PsyD) in clinical psychology, helped me become sensitive to this. I had one terrible experience (see the FAQs) and some not-so-great readings with animal communicators. But I’ve also had some amazing readings.
As a client you need to feel:
If you don’t feel those things, the fit is not optimal.
One variable that is unique to me is that I have 20 years (as of 2022) of experience in the field of clinical psychology, mind body therapies, energy medicine, the human potential movement, and other forms of consciousness. I understand the vulnerability and desire to feel better that comes with seeking help.
Ethics, which include boundaries and working within your competency, are not taught in animal communication courses nor are they taught in many other disciplines, but I learned a lot about ethics in psychology and I bring this to my sessions with animals and their humans. I know when to refer to other practitioners or doctors, how to hold space, and the importance of confidentiality.
Like many, animals have been a big part of my life. There was always a dog or dogs in our house. While still quite young, my grandmother taught me how to ride horses. She always thought I’d become a veterinarian. As I got older, I found that I could always find comfort and solace in my dogs especially when it felt like no one understood me or when my brother would bully me.
Glinda who passed in July, 2020
and her human Serena Sterling.
In my early 30s, I met The One! The dog who completed me. Just the presence of her would make me feel safe and loved.
The worst day of my life came when I had to put her down. I get it when people say they cried more when they said “Goodbye” and continue to grieve a beloved pet than a family member.
Animals’ unconditional love, innocence, and warm presence keep us finding room in our hearts to welcome more animals in, knowing they don’t have the same years on this earth as we do.
Learning animal communication, offering, and receiving it from others has been a beautiful gift. I hope you find the same joy and comfort from a reading as I have.
No! I cannot diagnose ailments. I can feel what your animal feels physically and emotionally but cannot diagnose disorders of mood or physical impairments.
I can relay the messages your animal tells me about why he or she may be behaving a certain way and what might help, but I cannot tell you what to do about it. I am not an animal trainer or behaviorist and therefore it would be outside my level of competency to tell you what to do on this subject.
No! This is a big reason I decided to learn animal communication. I went to an animal communicator and she told me my dog had 3 months to live. I was so distraught after that a friend told me to consider another opinion from someone trained by a well-known communicator. My dog ended up living for 4 more years!
No one can tell you with certainty when someone or something will die and doing so, in my opinion, is unethical. As an animal communicator, I can tell you from the animal’s point of view what it feels like to be in their body but just like we don’t know when we’re going to die, no one knows when your animal will either.
Yes! Our animals are still with us even when they leave their physical body. They are still teaching us soul lessons and animal communicators are able to connect with animals living and deceased.
In my experience, to be a good animal communicator, it takes time, practice, and really helps to attend a course of study focusing on this subject. Anyone can learn this and it takes studying from a qualified teacher and applying those principles with lots of practice.

Let me help you and your beloved animal feel better today.
For any inquiries please fill out the following form, and I will be in touch shortly.